fredag 8. november 2013

Nøttekaramellkaker (Turtle cookies)

Disse nydelige små kakene fant jeg via Pinterest i fjor. Originaloppskriften finnes her (med bilder). Jeg prøvde dem til jul i fjor og de smaker deilig og ser flotte ut på fatet, så det blir nok en reprise til bakingen i år.

Jeg har bare limt inn den amerikanske oppskriften her, bruk et online konverteringsmål dersom du trenger litt hjelp med oversettingen: Nå har jeg oversatt oppskriften, men fremgangsmåten er fortsatt på engelsk:

1 kopp mel
1/3 kopp kakao
1/4 t-skje salt
8 ss/ 113 gram smør, mykt
2/3 kopp sukker
1 stort egg delt, pluss 1 ekstra eggehvite (dersom du lager flere porsjoner kan du droppe den ekstra eggehviten)
2 ss melk
1 ts vaniljeekstrakt
1 1/4 kopp pecannøtter, finhakkede
Karamellfyll: (ved tre porsjoner kaker, lag fire porsjoner karamellfyll, ellers blir det for lite)
14 karameller (jeg brukte vanlige smørbukk)
3 ss fløte
Chocolate Drizzle (optional):
smeltet sjokolade 

Prepare the Cookies:  
1.  Combine flour, cocoa, and salt; set aside.

2.  With electric mixer on medium-high speed, beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Add egg yolk, milk, and vanilla; mix until incorporated. Reduce speed to low and add flour mixture until just combined.

3.  Wrap dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm, 1 hour.
4.  Whisk egg whites in a bowl until frothy.  Place chopped pecans in another bowl.  Roll chilled dough into 1-inch balls, dip in egg whites, and then roll in pecans.  Place balls about 2 inches apart on a baking sheet. Using a 1/2 teaspoon measuring spoon, make an indentation in the center of each dough ball.

5.  Bake at 350 degrees until set, about 12 minutes.

Prepare the Caramel Filling:  
6.  Microwave caramels and cream together in a small bowl, stirring occasionally, until smooth, about 1 to 2 minutes.

7.  Once cookies are removed from the oven, gently re-press the indentations.  Fill each indentation with about 1/2 teaspoon of the caramel mixture. Cool on the pan for 10 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Prepare the Chocolate Drizzle (optional):  
8.  Place chocolate and shortening in a small zip-top plastic bag.  Set bag in a bowl of warm water to soften.  Gently knead the chocolate with your fingers until melted and smooth, placing back in the warm water for a minute or two as needed.

9.  Snip a very small hole in the corner of the plastic bag.  Drizzle chocolate over the cooled Turtle Cookies.

Makes about 30 cookies.


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